When science meets a passion for nature

We actively invest in both applied and experimental scientific research and the development of innovative products to offer stable, reliable solutions that meet your everyday needs. Ever more effective and sustainable, we believe in the power and benefits of probiotics, living organisms that have beneficial effects on the environment and our future.

Our specialities focus on:

  • External applications: detergents, human cosmetics, and animal care products,
  • Special applications: air purification, integration of useful biotechnologies into other materials, pollution control & bioremediation treatment, etc,
  • In-vitro and in-situ R&D services to scientifically demonstrate that our biotechnologies are superior to synthetic alternatives.

Public health problems and nature-based solutions.

Solving public health problems by using nature is more than an ambition, it is our mission. At Probiotic Group, we want to be an actor of change. In association with scientists with different backgrounds, our laboratory develops solutions for the future. Our research teams are dedicated to understanding systems and harnessing natural resources to create quality probiotic-based cleaning and hygiene products. We develop effective, innovative and environmentally friendly solutions.

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Luxembourg Wort
Chambre de commerce du Luxembourg

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